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What is PigmentationPigmentation refers to the colouring of the skin. Skin pigmentation disorders cause changes to the colour of your skin. Melanin is made by cells in the skin and is the pigment responsible for your skin’s colour. Hyperpigmentation is a condition that causes your skin to darken.
What Causes Pigmentation• Sun Damage/ Age spots • Hormone changes • Acne scarring • Scarring • Heat sensitivity
How do we treat PigmentationThere are multiple ways to treat pigmentation. Treatment will vary, depending on the type and cause of your pigmentation. Treatment for pigmentation: • Laser Therapy • Chemical Peels • Skin Care • Medication
How many treatments do you receommend for PigmentationA treatment plan will be decided by our skin aesthetician once she has accessed your skin. We usually recommend 4-6 treatments to reduce pigmentation.
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